How to Properly Install an Air Filter

Learn how to properly install an air filter in your HVAC system for improved indoor air quality and efficiency near Coachella Valley.

How to Properly Install an Air Filter

HVAC systems are designed to expel hot or cold air and extract spent air, circulating it throughout the house. To ensure that the system works efficiently and effectively, it is important to install the air filter correctly. Air filters have arrows printed on the sides that indicate the direction in which the air should flow. These arrows should point away from the supply ducts and towards the blower.

This allows the filter to trap particles in the air while minimizing any disruption to the airflow of the system. Replacing the air filter is not difficult as long as you understand that air flows from its ducts, through the filter and into the oven. These filters need to be changed regularly to remain efficient, as dust and other air particles accumulate on them and reduce airflow. If you're not sure when to change the filter, invest in an electronic air cleaner monitor that will tell you when it's time to change it. Both sides of the air cleaner look the same, but that doesn't mean you can use them interchangeably. If the filter is in the ceiling, it should face the ceiling.

If it is on a wall, it should face the wall. Changing your air cleaner regularly can improve indoor air quality and help your HVAC system work more efficiently. However, they need to be replaced regularly because air filters become clogged over time and lose efficiency. Inserting an air cleaner in the wrong direction may not damage the system, but it will reduce its efficiency and cost you more money. A clue that tells you when it's time to replace filters is when you can no longer see through them.

If you have any questions about how to install an air filter or if you need a cooling system repaired or installed in your home, contact Hyde's, your Coachella Valley air conditioning contractor.

Sophia Walker
Sophia Walker

Tvaholic. Friendly pop culture expert. Friendly beer lover. General pop culture geek. Wannabe internet advocate. Lifelong music enthusiast.

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