Is a High-Performance Air Filter Worth the Investment?

Is investing in a high-performance air filter worth it? We explore the benefits of investing in a better air filter and how it can help those with allergies or respiratory diseases.

Is a High-Performance Air Filter Worth the Investment?

More expensive air filters, such as pleated residential filters, can filter out dust mites, pollen, pet dander, mold, and even bacteria. This can be especially beneficial for those with severe allergies. But for the average driver, the idea of installing one of these high-performance air filters may not have crossed their mind. Is it worth spending the extra money?Some days are worse than others for air pollutants, and the government will occasionally issue warnings for the elderly, the sick, or young children.

These are installed on wall-mounted return air grilles (more common in the South) or on the air handler (more common in the Mid-Atlantic and North Atlantic states). Fine dust and dirt particles accumulate in the heat exchangers and cooling coils of the oven, blocking the flow of air. That's why it's important to use only air filters with the MERV rating recommended by the HVAC system manufacturer. All of them (and Owen) told us that MERV filters in this range restrict airflow more than low-MERV filters, as measured by the drop in air pressure that filters create when installed. Air filters are important for everyone, but especially for those suffering from allergies or respiratory diseases such as asthma and hay fever.

If your vehicle doesn't come standard with a high-flow air filter, replacing it isn't part of your regular maintenance. But there are still a few reasons why people decide to invest in this basic and easy modification. For some people, adding a high-performance air filter is not a necessity, but something worth buying simply because they are interested in modifying their vehicle. It's important to note that high-performance air filters are considered a modification and can void your warranty if you have a new vehicle that is still within the warranty period. The high-performance air filter will not only slightly increase your horsepower, but it will also improve the fuel economy of your vehicle.

The experts at David Gray Heating & Air have extensive experience and knowledge to help you with your air filtering needs. So is it worth getting a better air filter? Ultimately, it depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you suffer from severe allergies or respiratory diseases such as asthma and hay fever, then investing in a high-performance air filter may be worth it. But if you're just looking to modify your vehicle or improve its fuel economy, then you may want to consider other options.

Sophia Walker
Sophia Walker

Tvaholic. Friendly pop culture expert. Friendly beer lover. General pop culture geek. Wannabe internet advocate. Lifelong music enthusiast.

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