Why You Should Replace Your Air Filters Regularly

Learn why it's important to replace your car's cabin & engine intake filters regularly & how it can help extend its longevity & reduce emissions.

Why You Should Replace Your Air Filters Regularly

As you can imagine, your air filter collects all types of dust, spores, hair, dander and other particles that are pumped through the air conditioning system. Better Health & Seasonal Allergy Relief. Air filters are a central, but often underappreciated, part of a central HVAC system. They don't just filter out bits of pollen and dust that would otherwise circulate around the house, and reduce indoor air quality.

They also provide a first line of defense against larger objects, such as pieces of loose insulation, that enter the system, where they could cause damage or present a fire hazard. But if you don't change your air filter regularly, it can turn against you. Clogged air filters are the number one cause of HVAC system failures. So why is it important to replace your air filters regularly? The answer is simple: to prevent damage to your HVAC system and keep it running efficiently.

A clogged air filter can cause extensive and unwanted damage to your HVAC system. However, if you stay up to date on the status of your air filter, you can prevent this and help extend the longevity of your system. Neglect is a major cause of failure in heating and cooling systems, but this can be easily avoided with regular maintenance. When you replace your air filters regularly, you'll keep your system running more efficiently. The air filter will keep dust and dirt out of the system and ducts.

This can prevent blockages, which will improve energy efficiency and lower your utility bills. Naturally, air filters need to be changed in the event of damage. However, to maintain the maximum possible performance of your car, it is recommended that you replace your air filters at least every 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24,000 km). This interval should be reduced if you often drive in dusty conditions. It's best to review the maintenance schedule provided by your car manufacturer to get the proper replacement program.

Air filters should be changed approximately every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, most often in dusty driving conditions. The owner's manual maintenance program will indicate how often the air cleaner needs to be replaced. A dirty air filter may look clean, but it still needs to be changed at the recommended intervals. Changing the air filters in your HVAC system is an essential practice that ensures that clean air circulates throughout your home. As mentioned above, an air cleaner that is clogged means an HVAC system that works harder, which results in the release of large amounts of carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gases. It's best to change your air filter every month or two, especially if you have pets or live in an area with a high pollen content.

Now that you know how important it is to change your air filter, you may wonder how often you need. There are at least 5 benefits of changing your air filter regularly: better gasoline performance, reduced emissions, improved acceleration, longer engine life and overall improved driving. While replacing air filters is part of preventive maintenance for your HVAC, it's not the only thing you can do to care for your system. Replacing a clogged air filter can increase fuel efficiency and improve acceleration, depending on the make and model of your car. It's important to make sure the replacement air filter is designed for the exact make and model of your car. In newer fuel-injected cars, the air filter is usually located near the top, front, or side of the engine, next to the throttle body.

The air cleaner has a rectangular shape and is enclosed in a rectangular black plastic housing that will normally have clips or screws that keep it closed. A clean air filter is designed to capture dirt and debris from the outside air, preventing them from reaching the combustion chamber and reducing the likelihood that you will receive a large repair bill. If you don't change the air filters in your home, you increase the risk of your home getting sick. However, your car's 2 air filters - the cabin air filter and the engine air intake filter - still require regular replacement. If the air cleaner is clean, the system will continue to function properly and you will have to spend less money on general system repairs.

Sophia Walker
Sophia Walker

Tvaholic. Friendly pop culture expert. Friendly beer lover. General pop culture geek. Wannabe internet advocate. Lifelong music enthusiast.

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