Air Filter Replacement: Everything You Need to Know

The engine air filter is an essential component of your car designed to prevent dust, dirt and other environmental contaminants from entering the engine. Learn more about why regular replacement is necessary.

Air Filter Replacement: Everything You Need to Know

The engine air filter is an essential component of your car, designed to prevent dust, dirt, and other environmental contaminants from entering the engine. Over time, the air filter becomes dirty and clogged, and will need to be replaced. To maintain the maximum possible performance of your car, it is recommended that you replace your air filters at least every 12,000 to 15,000 miles (19,000 to 24,000 km).The recommended interval for your vehicle will be detailed in the maintenance program section of the owner's manual. If the owner's manual says it's time to replace the filter, it's best to take care of the replacement, rather than waiting for you to start seeing other problems.

While you may not give much thought to this small service, regular engine air filter replacements are affordable and can save you thousands of dollars in engine damage. Dirty or damaged air filters reduce airflow to the engine, which changes the car's air-fuel balance. Filters are designed to trap potentially harmful debris before it enters an area where it shouldn't, such as the combustion chamber, fuel injectors, vehicle cabin, and more. Eventually, the filter media can rupture, allowing contaminants to reach the parts that the filter must protect. When you can replace the air filters in your home, you'll move toward cleaner air in every room. The location of the air filter varies by vehicle, so consult your owner's manual to find out exactly where the filter is located.

Be sure to monitor your air filter and replace it when you start to notice signs that it is clogged. When replacing the air filter, the new one doesn't have to be from your vehicle manufacturer or the same aftermarket brand as before, but it does have to be the same size. Air filters generally live in a rectangular housing at the front of the engine that will be easy to find and reach. Central forced air heating and cooling systems rely on filter maintenance to help them perform optimally in the long term. An air filter may not seem like an important component to regularly check and change, but it is essential to maintaining the performance of your car. However, there is a wide range of air filters available on the market and it's important that you get the right one for the make and model of your car. To keep your car running smoothly and efficiently for as long as possible, it is important to understand what air filter replacement is and why it is necessary.

Regularly replacing your car's air filter will help ensure that your engine is getting clean air and that all its components are working properly.

Sophia Walker
Sophia Walker

Tvaholic. Friendly pop culture expert. Friendly beer lover. General pop culture geek. Wannabe internet advocate. Lifelong music enthusiast.

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