When Should You Change Your Car's Cabin Air Filter?

Most automotive industry experts recommend changing your car's cabin air filter every 15,000 miles. Learn more about when it's time to change your car's cabin air filter and how often.

When Should You Change Your Car's Cabin Air Filter?

Most automotive industry experts recommend changing your car's cabin air filter every 15,000 miles. However, depending on the type of vehicle and the environment you drive in, this number can vary. If you're not sure if it's time to replace your cabin air filter, you may notice some warning signs, such as reduced airflow through your vehicle's HVAC system or persistent foul odors. When you look at one of these, it's a good indication that it's time to replace the cabin air filter.

In addition to following your vehicle's maintenance recommendations, there are several situations where your car's cabin air filter needs to be changed more often. For example, spring is especially bad for pollen, while autumn is especially bad because of debris and dust that result from crushed and fallen leaves that end up in the air around roads and eventually enter your vehicle. The more clogged the air filter is, the more difficult the HVAC system will have to work, which puts unnecessary strain on the engines and ventilation system. You can also consult the experts at Audi Stratham to see if you change your cabin air filter often enough for the Manchester weather and your driving habits.

Our team is happy to share the basics of cabin air filters, and if it's time to replace them, you can schedule an appointment at our service center. These are signs that the system is working and that it requires more effort to push air through the filter and out the vents. Dust likely means that the filter is so clogged that those particles cross the filter barrier and reach directly to your face as you drive. If the air conditioner blows weakly even with the highest fan setting, the filter may be clogged.

It can also get to the point where the filter is so dirty that particles begin to penetrate the engine and cause possible damage. If you don't do this task in due time, you'll have an ineffective ventilation system in your vehicle that doesn't help much to clean the air you breathe when driving. The cabin air filter is designed to remove these contaminants from the breathing air inside the vehicle. Most car models manufactured after 2000 are equipped with cabin air filters (and some luxury models even have more than one); however, older models may not have them at all. Regardless of the time of year, you should replace the cabin air filter if it is full, restricting airflow, or if it smells bad.

The best indicator that the cabin air filter needs to be changed is by visual inspection, observing the impact of the air flow, or by smell inspection.

Sophia Walker
Sophia Walker

Tvaholic. Friendly pop culture expert. Friendly beer lover. General pop culture geek. Wannabe internet advocate. Lifelong music enthusiast.

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